I direct the Culture Lab, where we explore barriers to the use of evidence-based tools and practices, identify community-engaged, data-driven implementation strategies for technology-enhanced learning tools, and help leaders in higher education develop resilient postsecondary infrastructure. we study the way people live, learn, and use technology together. Culture Lab projects help educators make decisions about how, when, and where to use new educational technologies to foster engaging, impactful learning experiences. Some of my active research projects are described below. I’m always excited to talk to potential collaborators!

AI-Augmented Learning and Collaboration
In collaboration with local community college partners, we are simultaneously extending learning science research around intelligent tutors, digital collaborative programming, large language model-enabled pedagogy, and cloud computing, while expanding opportunities in the digital economy for community college students. Read more

Adoption of Adaptive Learning Technologies
Evidence-based educational technology is only useful if they’re used in real classes. We use ethnographic field methods and iterative design to speed effective use of open, adaptive learning environments and improve outcomes for learners across sectors. Read more

Digital Transformation of Higher Education
Higher education leaders strive for better implementation of digital learning at their institutions, and often lack key guidance. To offer guidance for effective transformation, we examine disjuncture between stated goals, intended effects, and practices in place at postsecondary institutions around the world. Read more

Immersive Media in the Classroom
Immersive media technologies are novel, and many educators are eager to use them. But how and when is virtual reality appropriate and effective? How can VR best impact student learning gains? We conduct learning science research about the impact of pedagogical interventions that leverage immersive tools in postsecondary classrooms. Read more